I'm Thankful for the Love of God


I believe God works His wonders all around us every day.
We can see His hand in so many things in so many different ways.

If you think things could be better, think your life's a curse,
Count your blessings and remember, things could also be much worse.

Thank the Father for your family, for your neighbors and your friends,
Thank Him for the mountains, for the trees and for the wrens.

If You're angry when a well planned trip is suddenly delayed,
Stop and think that by His hand your life may have been saved.

Which means He has more plans for you, so try to do your best
To live your life as He would want as you go about your quest.

There is a bigger picture here that only God can see,
The wisdom isn't obvious, sometimes to you and me.

But I believe God gave each soul a spark of inner truth,
If we but pay attention to its merit and its worth.

In God we find the balance to somehow make it work,
To keep our eyes on Heaven but our feet upon the earth.

When your heart cries out for fellow man, the pain you start to see,
You've taken one small baby step on the path that sets you free.

With each small step He gives us more, we may not be aware.
It's in retrospect that we can see how we got from there to here.

God's love and truth can change us, if we put our trust in Him.
His light glows bright within our souls even though our eyes grow dim.

This old world is full of evil things that try to block our view,
Of our loving God who will wash our robes and make us clean and new.

So thank the Father for the little things and He will show you more.
We must help each other all we can in our search for Heaven's door.

God's love flows in and out of us; we must pass it all around,
For it is only in our giving love, can God's love in us abound.

There are some things we're allowed to see, and others we are not,
So take some time each and every day and give it careful thought.

We have to know that there's much more than our human eyes can see.
We have to know that there's so much more that we can someday be.

So let us open our hearts and minds to the mercies that He shows,
And let His love flow right on through.---That's the way it grows.

by Mary Yetter - November 1999