To Allen

To Allen

You lived with the wind in your hair.
You loved each one of us freely and asked nothing but love and acceptance in return.
You touched each heart with every emotion.
We laughed, cried, yelled, screamed, hugged, and loved.
We've written our story in the ink of life; tears, smiles, footprints, and yes, blood.
The hurdles you've overcome will always be an inspiration to me.
Life, love, laughter and tears, we faced them together, and apart,
growing ever stronger through it all.
My heart is twisted between the sheer pain of your absence,
and the joy of knowing where you are now.
To think of the priviledge that I was afforded just to be your brother
brings to my heart an overwhelming feeling of pride.
When I close my eyes I can see you reveling in the love and promise of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I can still feel the wind of your presence swirling around me.
I can't believe you're gone.
Your spirit will soar above me like an eagle floating on air.
This is how I remember you.
You lived with the wind in your hair.

I love you little brother,
From Mark